Winning Back Her Trust

Unfortunately, today we see a lot about celebrity marriages and things going wrong. So many extra-marital affairs are constantly in the news. We’ve seen it with Tiger Woods, Rick Pitino and even some of our political leaders. No matter who it is, it’s always a hurtful thing. It’s especially hurtful when it’s in the public eye like that. But things like this happen a lot. Having the trust of your husband or the trust of your wife is so important. When that trust breaks down you have to do a lot to build it back up. There have been times when I’ve lost the trust of my wife, not to the extreme of an affair but just in day to day things. I’ve told her that I would do something and then didn’t get it done. Believe me, loss of trust is the worst thing that could happen in a marriage. If you don’t have that ultimate confidence in each other then it’s just never a right situation. You must ask for forgiveness. You have to put in hard work to build that trust back up and say, “Hey, Honey I know I let you down this one time, but I am going to do everything in my power not to let that happen again.” You must convince them that you love them and that you really want to work to get their trust back. It’s a long process that doesn’t happen overnight, but that’s what is necessary to put your marriage back together.

What’s your take on trust within a marriage?