A couple of years ago, I met with a man I look up to. As the conversation went on, I started to complain. When I finished, he listed all the things I complained about—and he explained how they are blessings. “You’re pretty blessed,” he said. “If you want my advice, it would be to be grateful.” I’ve thought about that conversation a lot and have realized there are a lot of things I should be thankful for that I take for granted or allow a bad attitude to ruin.
All of us sometimes spend too much time complaining about the things we do not like or even the things we have. Today and every day, we need to take time to be thankful for the blessings we’ve been given. Here are 10 things we should be thankful for.
1. For the Family That Raised You
We are all where we are today because our parents or guardians raised us. Hopefully, we have taken all the positive lessons from them and are applying them to our lives.
2. For the Families We Have
Be thankful for the blessing of your kids and for your wife if you’re married. Be thankful, too, for your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
3. For Friends
True friends encourage us, motivate us, and push us to do better. Take time to reach out to them and thank them for all the great things they’ve done. Show your gratitude by also being a great friend to others.
4. For a Roof Over Your Head
If you have a home, be thankful you have a place to rest and relax. Hopefully, your home is also a place of safety and encouragement. Truly show you’re thankful for your home by helping organizations who help those who have no homes.
5. For Laughter
Laughter is a gift from God that can bring great joy. Be thankful for the laughter you hear from—and share with—your family, friends, and even strangers.
6. For a Job
A job is a great blessing, whether we are happy in the job or not. Take the time to list out reasons you’re thankful for your job. If you find this hard, don’t look at your job just as a means to make money, but look at it as a way to help people.
7. For Your Freedoms
We have so many freedoms other countries don’t have, and it has cost some men and women their lives. This freedom continues to cost others time away from family and bodily injuries. Take time today to say “thank you” to someone who helped or is helping protect those freedoms.
8. For the People Who’ve Made a Positive Impact on You
All of us have had people in our lives who have made a positive impact. They may be teachers, coaches, pastors, youth workers, Sunday school teachers, and, hopefully, family members. Be thankful these people were placed in your life, and give to others as they have given to you.
9. For Nourishment
We should be thankful we have the opportunity to eat on a daily basis. If you have plenty, please show your thanks by helping to support agencies that care for the hungry.
10. For Your Health
If you’re reading this, you’re probably in good health. Be thankful for that. However, there are probably people in your family and community not as fortunate. So take time to help them sometime this week.
Sound off: What are you most thankful for today?
Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What are you most thankful for?”