2 Things Kids Should Be Taught More of Today

When I think back through my life I feel like we have made a lot of improvements in our society, especially when it comes to racial equality. And while there are plenty of improvements, I have noticed some good life lessons for kids have diminished over the years. As I think about growing up as a young man in the Sixties and Seventies, and now as I look at my children growing up and their friends, I see several lessons kids are missing these days.

Here are 2 things I wish kids were taught more of today.


We need to do a better job teaching this to our children. It seems old-fashioned to say, “Yes ma’am,” and, “No sir,” or using the words please and thank you. However, it is the right thing.


We need to teach our kids to have a respect for not only elders but a respect for people in general. I know I need to do a better job in this area. We need to help make respecting others a habit for our children. Make sure they know: we respect people and fairness. When we do it consistently life goes a lot better.