When I was a financial advisor I had to meet with a lot of people in their homes. The walk from my car to the front door was nerve-racking. I never knew what to expect. Talking to another, far more successful, advisor changed how I viewed that initial meeting. He said he loved that first meeting. He viewed getting to know people like opening a gift. His enlightening perspective was a foundational shift for me. It’s how I approach every relationship, especially the ones closest to me. Is this how you view family communication?
Getting to know those who are closest to us, especially our kids, is a gift. These are good questions to ask around the dinner table to help you get started. Here are 24 open-ended questions to ask and share with your children.
Do You Know Your Children’s…
– Favorite holiday memory
– Dream vacation spot
– The celebrity they’d most like to meet
– Current best friend
– Current favorite song or TV show
– Favorite animal
– Favorite subject in school
– Most cherished possession
– Best memory of a family event
– Hopes for the future
Do Your Children Know…
– The name of your first pet and how you got him
– Your favorite food when you were growing up and who made it for you
– How much you made an hour at your first job
– The awards or honors you received during your school years and which one meant the most to you
– Your favorite vacation spot and why
– How you and their mother met
– How old you were when you got your first cell phone
– Your most embarrassing moment in school
– The worst prank you ever played and if you got caught
– Nicknames you’ve had and why you had them
– The worst or funniest date you ever had
– Who your best friend was throughout school, what you liked about them, and what kinds of things the two of you did together
– If you were ever picked on as a child and what you did about it
– What you miss most about being a kid
For more great questions to ask your kids, we highly recommend The Communication Game or using the Q & U app.
Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What is your favorite board game?”