black friday

3 Ways to Turn Black Friday into a Happy Friday

What is it about Black Friday and sales that make people crazy? I understand wanting to pay less and get more bang for your buck but, every year, I see some examples of the worst in people. They seem to lose total perspective and do things that are pretty embarrassing to themselves as well as to their family. Unfortunately, the embarrassment doesn’t set in until later or, even worse, it never sets in at all.

Instead of doing something embarrassing this year, turn Black Friday into Happy Friday with fun for the entire family. If you are like me and attempt to find or use anything you can to create memories with your family, then you should give it a try. If you are one of those guys who isn’t going to brave the malls, here are 3 Ways to Turn Black Friday into a Happy Friday.

1. Stay home with the kids.

If you are married or in a relationship, let your wife or girlfriend go out shopping. Enjoy the extra time you get hanging with your kids. If you need something to do, consider taking them to a family-friendly movie, which typically comes out on Thanksgiving weekend.

2. Enjoy outdoor activities together.

The malls are going to be packed, but the parks most likely won’t be. Take your kids to the park, play some outdoor tag games, have a picnic, and just enjoy the cool weather. If you live somewhere where it’s too cold to just hang out in the outdoors, then try going ice skating at a local rink.

3. Put up Christmas decorations.

The Christmas tree farms won’t be crowded yet, so take your kids to go pick out a Christmas tree.  When you get home, begin to decorate — the tree and the inside and outside of the house. While everyone else is out chasing deals, enjoy some fun time with your kids.

Huddle up with your wife and kids tonight and ask: “How can we make the crazy situations in our life fun and even enjoyable?”
