sons and daughters

Two Downloadable Resources for Teaching Sons and Daughters Important Life Lessons

Domestic violence is an important issue that affects many families. All Pro Dad is committed to helping build strong families. That is why we have partnered with the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence to help raise awareness and put a stop to it. The following is a joint effort to raise the next generation to prevent domestic violence from happening in the future.

5 Things Dads Must Teach Their Sons About How to Treat Girls

Think about how you feel when you hear the Star Spangled Banner. As Americans, we stand in honor when the song is played. It symbolizes the respect that we have for our nation. The song invokes a set of ideals and values we as a people hold dear. These values and ideals have been taught to us from an early age. Through our actions and words, we teach it to the next generation. Just as we teach our children to have respect for their country, we must also impart the importance of respecting and valuing each other.

Download our 5 things dads must teach their boys about how to treat girls.

5 Ways Dads can be Good Examples of a Great Man

When it comes to theme parks, Disney is the gold standard. The cleanliness, the attitude of the staff, the systems, and the ride innovations are at the highest level. Anytime a person goes to a different amusement park after experiencing Disney, they see the difference between above average and excellence. As fathers, it is our job to guide our daughters to be strong, independent women and set the gold standard of a man through our actions, words, and deeds.

Download our 5 ways dads can be good examples of a great man.
