meet your goals

3 Things You Need to Know When You Don’t Meet Your Goals

This can be a good time of year for some, but a bad time for others. December can bring optimism, pessimism, and sometimes outright depression to us when we begin to reflect on our year. When I sat down and thought about the past year, I became determined to make this next year my best ever. In fact, I went through a goal-setting course called Best Year Ever to help me do so.

In all transparency, I fell short on plenty of goals. Some I never even should have set out to achieve. Others were modified and new ones were established. So what do you do when you or even your kids don’t meet the goals you set out to accomplish? No matter what you accomplished or didn’t, you have the opportunity to learn from it all, and to use those lessons to become better. But getting better won’t come automatically. You’ll have to be intentional about learning and growing. Here are 3 things you need to know when you don’t meet your goals.

The Journey vs. the Goal

I once heard someone say the greatest achievement of pursuing goals is the person you become during the journey to achieve those goals. I can attest to that. When I look at my goals and then look at my habits, I tend to realize that changes have to be made. I need to grow. The ups and downs and the growth throughout is an amazing experience. When I reach my goals, it’s just icing on the cake.

The Mistakes vs. the Successes

I made plenty of mistakes throughout the year. Some were minor, others were major. But there is nothing like learning from your mistakes. Mistakes are some of life’s greatest teachers. I realized some things I definitely do not need to do. I also know what to be prepared for in the future. And most importantly, I know more about myself and what my real strengths are as well as my weak areas that need improvement.

The Positive vs. the Negative

One of the biggest things I have learned is how my very own mindset impacts me. There were times when I was my biggest enemy and deterrent to my own success. I allowed negative self-talk, doubts, and fears to impede my progress. Several years ago, I set a goal of running 15 to 20 miles per week in training for my first mini-marathon. I failed miserably. I may have had one good month or one good partial month. But through it, I realized my negative self-talk prevented me from actually getting out each day and running. When your focus remains positive, you make huge gains, but when you focus on the negative, negative results follow.

As you reflect on the past year and look ahead, use your failures to help fuel your successes and meet your goals. When you reflect with your kids on the things they accomplished or didn’t accomplish in the previous year, keep these in mind. When all is said and done, you’ll be better prepared to have your best year ever, and you can help your kids do the same.

Earn some points: Are you married? If so, share this iMOM goals chart with your wife: Brilliant Goals Chart for Kids.

Sound off: What’s one goal you didn’t meet this year that you can work on in the new year?

Huddle up with your kids and say, “Let’s talk about what we did this year and what we can do to improve next year.”