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Florida Foster & Adoptive Hall of Fame 2023-2024

Family First and its programs, All Pro Dad and iMOM, will be recognizing foster and adoptive parents throughout the fall and spring that go above and beyond, and we need your help! Family First will be creating awareness videos and holding recognition events throughout the year and we need your assistance identifying foster and adoption families to highlight and recognize. 

Nominees for this recognition should demonstrate an outstanding ability to provide a stable and supportive environment, which allows for a child to be nurtured and allow growth.

Our team will consider the following criteria when selecting families to feature, including but not limited to –

• How the nominated foster care and/or adoptive family is unique and what sets them apart
• Nominee’s demonstrated performance to work with the system of care, family members, and community resources
• Nominee’s demonstrated performance to understand and recognize the needs of the child(ren) placed in their care – to be accepted and respected as an individual; to be treated with dignity; and to be valued for their contributions

• Adoptive family nominations: October 13, 2023
• Foster family nominations: December 31, 2023