Several years ago, Google released data that showed what we search for and when. It revealed that in the quiet middle of the night, many of us seek comfort and answers to hard questions. After porn searches spike between midnight and 2 a.m., people search for “lonely,” “anxiety,” and “suicide.”
In 1988, as the materialism of the ’80s wound down, Billy Graham gave a message about the meaning of life and how to find quality instead of quantity. He said something that will help us find what we’re searching for in the middle of the night. “God has given us two hands—one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing.” That’s where quality of life comes from. Here are 4 ways to find it.
1. Be thankful.
“If I only had…” is how we start a lot of sentences. The starting point for finding a life of purpose and meaning is to be thankful for what we already have, which is usually far more than we need. Even if you’re sitting at rock bottom and feeling completely without hope, the way back starts with giving thanks.
2. Take the blame (when it’s yours to take).
It’s tempting to deflect all blame and skirt the consequences. This might help temporarily, but in the long run, it is damaging. We all make mistakes and have at least some unhealthy attitudes. Confront and confess them honestly. Seek to make them right and reconcile your relationships. This is how we heal and change into the person we want to be.
3. Seek wise instruction.
There is no shortage of advice in this era. It’s imperative to learn how to discern bad advice from good. I personally seek wisdom and knowledge given by God through his Word. It’s good to hear and read others’ own understanding, but to be certain how it pertains to our own case, we must dive into his instruction ourselves. Making this a daily practice, starting with prayer, and following it with studying Scripture leaves my heart full and my mind sharp. If that’s not part of your life, give it a try.
4. Put wisdom and knowledge into practice.
Joy comes from giving. Those who enjoy a higher quality of life experience joy regularly. If you make your life about giving, you will experience a higher quality of life. As Billy Graham said, we should have one hand receiving and the other hand giving back out.
Sound off: What do you believe gives you the highest quality of life?
Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What things are important for living a quality life?”