Kids’ Top 100 Internet Searches of 2009

  • YouTube, Google, and Facebook top the list
  • Sex and Porn round out the top 5
  • Kids spend most of their time searching for music related topics (30%), then TV/movie related topics (12%).
  • The most popular celebrity kids searched for was Michael Jackson. Taylor Swift came in second.
  • Team Jacob won over Team Edward, with Taylor Lautner coming in at #80 and Robert Pattinson being nonexistent in the top 100.
  • Other top celebs on kids’ list of searches include Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Lil Wayne, Megan Fox, Eminem, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, Black Eyed Peas, Jonas Brothers, Rihanna, and Chris Brown.
  • Kids are searching for shopping sites like eBay, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy.

Please be aware that the content on these pages may include offensive language and sexual innuendos. All Pro Dad is not endorsing this content, but is simply providing you with information to help you protect your children.

For Top Searches of 2009 Boys Vs. Girls and Top Searches by Age Group, click here.

1. YouTube2. Google3. Facebook

4. Sex

5. Porn


7. Yahoo

8. MySpace

9. eBay

10. You Tube

11. Wikipedia

12. Michael Jackson

13. Taylor Swift

14. Gmail

15. Party in the USA

16. Miley Cyrus

17. Club Penguin

18. Miniclip

19. Fred

20. Games

21. Facebook login


23. Hotmail

24. Lady Gaga

25. Amazon

26. Yahoo Mail

27. Justin Bieber

28. Addicting games

30. Webkinz


32. Boobs

33. MSN

34. Hannah Montana

35. Dictionary

36. Walmart

37. Selena Gomez



40. New Moon

41. Runescape

42. Lil Wayne

43. Google Maps

44. Down

45. Google Earth

46. Norton Safety Minder

47. Mapquest

48. Boom Boom Pow

49. Craigslist

50. Twilight

51. Megan Fox52. Sesame Street53. Poptropica

54. Target

55. Eminem

56. Music

57. Fireflies

58. Disney Channel

59. You Belong With Me

60. Utube

61. Weather

62. iTunes

63. Beyonce

64. Pokemon

65. Britney Spears

66. Twitter


68. Demi Lovato

69. Funny

70. Black Eyed Peas

71. One time

72. Cartoon Network

73. Jonas Brothers

74. Halo

76.Watcha Say

77. Family Guy

78. Taylor Swift You Belong With Me

79. Best Buy

80. Taylor Lautner

81. Rihanna

82. Pussy


84. Lego

85. Gummy Bear Song

86. Thriller

87. You’re a jerk

88. Nigahiga

89. Girls

90. Free online games

91. New Moon trailer

92. Translator

93. Disney


95. Paparazzi Lady Gaga

96. Poker Face

97. Chris Brown

98. iPod Touch

99. Photbucket

100. Bing

Used with permission from’s Kids’ Top 100 searches of 2009.