People are usually a little surprised when we tell them the story in the video below. You see, our marriage didn’t have the most promising start. Our hearts were in the right place but our personalities were on a crash course that was bound to implode our marriage.
There were so many things we struggled through. We had to learn how to communicate, how to meet each other’s needs, and how to handle a lot of conflict. We still have conflict, but after 27 years we have figured out some great ways to love well.
We want you to know what we have learned. We want you to struggle less than we did and love more. We took what helped us and put it in our Lists to Love By, Simple Steps to the Marriage You Want books that release today. Each book, one for wives and one for husbands, features 30 short lists with simple steps you can take to have a better marriage or maybe even the marriage you’ve always wanted but never had.
It is our hope that this New Year will be a year of renewed marriages!
Sound off: What do you think your marriage needs most right now?
Huddle up with your wife and ask, “In what ways do you like that I’m different and in what ways is it a struggle?”