overcoming discouragement

10 Ways to Conquer Your Most Common Discouragements

Manager Connie Mack owns numerous records related to his longevity in baseball that will probably stand forever. He is far ahead of everyone else in wins with 3,731, losses with 3,948, games managed with 7,755, and years as a big league manager, 53. Despite all the games he lost, Mack won 9 American League pennants and 5 World Series. Connie Mack finally retired in 1950 at the age of 87, another record that will probably never be broken.

Needless to say, Mack had a lot of practice overcoming discouragement on his way to winning 5 World Series. The key to his success and yours is to not let bad times keep you down. Here are 10 ways to conquer your most common discouragements.

1. There’s never enough family time because I’m always running behind.

Fair enough. However, there are 24 hours in every day and I guarantee if you were keeping track of your minutes you would find plenty of wasted time. Maximize your time and make some reasonable decisions about family time. Be the master of time, not the victim.

2. I can’t seem to keep my head above the debt.

We’ve all been there. Get some credit counseling and work out a plan that’s customized for you. But the basic theory is simple.

– Figure out exactly what you owe.

– Immediately stop spending money you don’t have.

– Negotiate a payment schedule you can live with.

– Do not increase your debt, period.

– Pay consistently.

3. I never have enough time with my wife.

Schedule specific dates each and every week, and then follow through. Again, this is about who makes the decisions concerning your life.

4. The kids’ activities are overwhelming.

Remember, your family first! Schedule activities that enrich your children and contribute to their betterment. Activities that compromise family commitments do not fit those criteria. Keep your family first, and all other things in balance.

5. My wife and I have lost touch with the romance.

Let your wife know that you love her, and show her how much by treating her with kindness, generosity, grace, and respect. Don’t do this to get what you want, but do this because you love her unconditionally. Believe us, the romance will follow.

6. The kids are out of control.

Give them away. No, seriously, take a look at your family dynamic and restructure your lives so that the family is the focus and the heart of your life together. Don’t be afraid to impose some structure. Just make sure you are consistent. Children are happier when they know what to expect and what is expected of them.

7. Homework is out of control.

Plug family study time into the schedule. Read together, designate “homework hour,” and be consistent; follow through.

8. I’m not getting enough respect.

How much respect do you give? Not to just your spouse, but to your children, and family as a whole, too. Do you respect your family? Respect can never be mandated, but it can be earned more easily than we imagine.

9. I can’t get my body back.

Getting your body back can only happen in the context of a healthy life across the board. Eating right and exercise, seven days a week without fail is the only way. Just like the debt crisis, take this a small piece at a time with intention and discipline, and be patient.

10. My life is boring; everything seems to be one giant treadmill.

Often when people feel this way, it’s because life is about “me,” and that’s never satisfying. Try adding one weekly activity that’s all about serving others. Try volunteering, tutoring, coaching, or helping an elderly neighbor. Once the focus shifts away from “my boring life,” it’s amazing how interesting everything can become.

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What do you do when you get discouraged?”