take wife dancing

10 Easy Tips to Take Your Wife Dancing

In an article in U.S. News and World Report, Dr. Bernadine Healy told us about an outstanding discovery. Couples who dance together ward off Alzheimer’s disease. “Frequent dancing, which demands musical concentration and knowing where to put your feet while engaging in polite conversation, showed a robust 75 percent reduction in the risk for Alzheimer’s.”

Does that mean it’s time for you to bust out your break dancing moves from the 80s? Well, not quite. But any activities you can do with your wife that requires conversation and exercise will do wonders for your health – and your marriage. But if you are thinking about stepping out on that dance floor, here are 10 easy tips to take your wife dancing.

1. Make preparations

If you are going to do this, you might as well do it big. Your goal is nothing short of total magic. Start by planning the date. Will it be her birthday? On your anniversary? Or the best of all, a total surprise on a completely random night? Women love to be swept off their feet. Go for the random night. Arrange a babysitter without her knowledge. Think ahead to plan every scenario.

2. Choose a style

This is huge. Make or break for your whole plan. What style of dance will you be attempting? Clean club dancing? Ballroom? Salsa? Two-stepping in a country honky-tonk? The list goes on and on. Pick what you think your wife would enjoy the most. Not what you prefer. This ain’t about you. Choose a style and the remainder of your planning will be based around it.

3. Get lessons

Don’t worry about her. Women typically have an uncanny ability to dance to just about anything. If she has no experience with the style you choose, you can lead and she will no doubt pick it up quickly. Ask your sister or someone non-threatening to your wife to take lessons with you. I say non-threatening because you don’t want to be accused of doing something sneaky when you are really trying to be romantic.

4. Find a place

You have chosen your style. Now time to choose where you will break out your moves on your woman. If you want to clean club dance, find a place friendly to your age group, whatever that may be. If you want to salsa there are usually many places that dedicate a night each week just for that type of dancing. The goal is to choose a place where you both will feel comfortable. The mood is magical and the type of dancing you intend is highlighted.

5. Dress well

You have to look the part. It’s essential to the plan. If you are going ballroom dancing, break out your suit. Clean club dancing calls for in-style clothing, but just don’t overdo it. Whatever style you have chosen, dress the part. Groom yourself like it’s your wedding day all over again.

6. Mind your manners

We don’t care how comfortable your relationship has become. Tonight you will treat her like you did the very first time you took her on a date. Be on your very best behavior. She deserves nothing short of perfection from you.

7. Romance her

Tell her she is gorgeous. Give her that look that makes her know that you are in. Listen to everything she says and participate fully in the conversation. See her tonight as you did the first time you saw her. That moment she captivated every bit of your attention. She is still the same woman you couldn’t dream of living without. Let her know it.

8. Arrival

Keep it cool and don’t rush things. She still is not aware that you have taken lessons and are about to wow her. She is just happy to be getting all this wonderful attention. Find a choice place to sit. Order drinks of your choosing. Appetizers. Talk and build the mood. Build her excitement.

9. Ask her to dance

Stand up, gently take her hand, and ask her if she will do you the honor of sharing this dance. The resulting moments are left up to your imagination. It’s your responsibility from this point to make it a reality.

10. Plan B

Maybe that all sounds like a bit much to you. Possibly too expensive? Understandable. There is a plan B. Come home from work early. Prepare dinner if you can, or order her favorite food and have it ready. Set up a table and eat dinner by candlelight in a comfortable spot in your home. If you have young kids you can do this after they have gone to bed. Play soft music in the background as you do all the same things mentioned above. Then play her favorite song. Stand up just as described before and ask her to dance.

Your wife deserves nothing short of perfection from you. Share on X

Can we slow dance to our wedding song?