According to Sports Illustrated, sports psychologists have been studying how elite athletes react. One would think hitting 95-mph fastballs or 150-mph serves would come down to quicker reflexes. It turns out that when elite athletes are tested in the lab, their reaction speeds are no better than those of people chosen off the street. The thing that separates the expert from the amateur is the ability to see the future. They can see with more accuracy where the ball is going to be.
You have to see your kids’ future as best you can and prepare for it. The anticipation of the stresses your children will be exposed to can help you acquire forward-vision in fathering. Here are 10 pressures your kids are facing.
1. Image.
Kids are beginning to worry about their body image at a young age, even as young as age 8. Everywhere they turn, they are presented with the “ideal” person. Your kids need to know that they don’t need to look that way. Instead, they should strive to eat healthy, exercise, and look like themselves.
2. Acceptance.
People want to be liked. At the preteen/teenager age, the desire is even more intense. Your teens want to make friends and have people accept them. Help your kids realize how to accept themselves first and be confident in who they are.
3. Sex.
They feel like they need to have sex to be accepted or liked. In reality, most kids their age are not having sex. Warn them of the emotional and physical dangers. Talk to them about why they should wait.
4. Drugs and Alcohol.
No matter how much you try to shelter or protect your kids, they will end up in a situation where drugs and alcohol are present. Help them understand the dangers so they can make good decisions.
5. Bullies.
Bullies will often pick on others to make themselves feel better. It doesn’t just occur in the schoolyard anymore. It happens on social media sites, text messages, blogs, and instant messaging. There is no escape for victims. Make sure that your kids know that they can come to you if they are being bullied so you can help.
6. College.
They are in a competition with their peers to be the best and the brightest in everything. Good grades are not enough. Their resumes have to be stacked with extracurricular activities and volunteer work leaving little or no downtime.
7. Driving.
Being behind the wheel can be terrifying in the beginning. Your kids will feel the stress of driving to your standards and not wrecking the car. You can help make driving less stressful for your kids by being patient with them.
8. Athletics.
As kids get older, the pressure to improve and win increases dramatically. Remind your kids of their passion and fun for playing the sport. Encourage them to give their best, but remind them that their value is not based on winning.
9. Finances.
Financial stressors include gas money, college, paying for dates, hanging out with friends, clothing, music, athletic gear, and school dances to name a few. Offer them help in finding a job and spend time explaining money and how to budget accordingly.
10. Growing Up.
Your kids will feel pressure to grow up. Their eyes will be opened to the adult world, losing the safety of innocence. Help them make this transition. Teach them to make wise decisions. Prepare them for the world ahead of them.
Sound off: Where do your kids face the most pressure?
Huddle up with your kids tonight and ask, “What is the biggest pressure you are facing right now? Why?”