family emergency plan

A Simple 7 Step Family Emergency Plan

Proverbs 27:12 states, “A prudent person foresees the danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” It is the responsibility of a dad to provide security for his family. The best way to do this is to think worst case scenario and know the threats in your area. Then, create a plan that will provide a haven of safety for your family in any situation. Each year, natural disasters take lives and destroy families. With proper planning, that doesn’t have to be yours.

Check out this Simple 7-step family emergency plan.

1. Know the Dangers in Your Area.

Advance knowledge is the key to surviving any emergency. What type of weather or natural disaster is the area you live in most susceptible to? It could possibly be hurricanes, tornadoes, crippling winter storms, or earthquakes. Educate yourself thoroughly on the threats you are most likely to face and the consequences of those threats.

2. Shelter

First and foremost, decide when and where you will seek protective shelter for your family. For instance, if you live in a tornado-prone area, where will you go on short notice? If you live on the Southeast or Gulf coast, do you have a plan for hurricane evacuation? Where your family is during the event is crucial to their safety.

3. Important Papers and Documents

A will is absolutely necessary for your wishes to be carried out in case something was to happen to you. It is also imperative that your home, property, and lives are properly and carefully insured. Did you know that flood insurance is separate from wind damage? Make sure your insurance carrier has you fully covered. Secure all documents safely and in a waterproof place, and be sure important people in your life know where to find them quickly in the event of an emergency.

4. Prescription Medicines and First Aid

Make certain your home has a fully stocked first aid kit and instructions on basic care and CPR. It is also critical that consideration is given to whatever prescription medication anyone in your family may require. What would happen if they were suddenly without it? In the book One Second After by William R. Forstchen, this scenario was put forth with mastery and extreme sadness. A diabetic daughter was without insulin after the incident and her father was helpless to save her as she agonizingly faded in the story.

5. Pets and Valuables

Often in natural emergencies, family pets are abandoned in a rush. This is unlawful in most cases and immoral in all cases. Be sure your family pets are cared for and planned for as well. Also, give consideration to the things your family treasures and have a plan to take only the most valuable items. For instance, a child’s favorite toy or treasured photos and mementos.

6. Basic Survival Supplies

Have on hand basic supplies of food, water, and clothing. The government suggests enough for 3 days for each person in your family. The better idea is 3 weeks, but make sure you can be on your own for a lengthy period. Buying a little extra each week at the grocery store is a great way to build an emergency supply.

7. Money, Transportation, and Communication

In a natural disaster, it is almost certain there will be no electricity for a period of time. In our world today, this causes major problems. It is very wise to have an emergency supply of cash at all times because ATM’s will be out of order. Gas pumps will not work and there will be no power to charge electronic devices. Plan for how you will deal with these issues. 

Sound Off: What do you do to prepare for emergencies?

Huddle up with your family tonight and hold a fire drill.