stereotypes about husbands

4 Stereotypes About Husbands That Are Actually True

I called my wife and declared enthusiastically: “I have a fun date for our anniversary!” This caught her interest—especially since we hadn’t been out in more than a year—and she asked what I had in mind. While she pictured a fancy dinner or a night away for just the two of us, I told her my Edmonton Oilers were slated to draft first overall and there was a free draft party. They’d even have free hot dogs! Our fifth anniversary remains infamous because although she did come out with me that night, she’d rather have been anywhere but there.

My thought process leading up to our “draft date” exemplifies the stereotypical husband who struggles with romance. We see stereotypes like this in TV shows all the time, usually used as comic relief. Part of what makes stereotypes funny is that there’s often an element of truth behind the stereotype—even in those stereotypes that ridicule us. But some stereotypes aren’t as bad as you’d think. Here are 4 stereotypes about husbands that are actually true.

1. Husbands suffer from man-vision.

Many men struggle to find the ketchup in the refrigerator, only to have someone else point out that it’s right in front of them. This “man-vision” is frequently the result of a male tendency to stay focused on one task to the exclusion of all others. But it can also mean that no matter how chaotic life gets, he doesn’t get distracted as easily. Wives often see that a husband with man-vision can stay focused on the most important things to the benefit of the entire family.

2. Husbands are childish.

Whether it’s wanting to buy the newest LEGO Creator set or staying up too late playing video games, husbands can seem like a bonus kid in the family. This often helps dads build healthy relationships with their kids. But a childlike attitude isn’t just about playing around. It helps sometimes not to take life too seriously. Men who can be childlike can also encourage playfulness in their wives, which can help them relieve some stress.

3. Husbands don’t know what they’re doing.

Many husbands love a good do-it-yourself project, but not every husband knows what he’s doing. At times, this means a husband takes on a project he has no clue how to finish. This usually leads him to ask for help from a friend or from a professional. Men who do this show that they are open to growing and learning no matter what the problem is. Wives of such men trust that when problems arise, their husbands will seek ways to fix them. 

4. Husbands have one thing on their minds.

Many people suspect that husbands are only thinking about sex. While this is often seen as a negative thing, intimacy and romance are important parts of marriage and family life. It’s true that some men get carried away here and can act as if their wives owe them physical intimacy. A husband who always remembers how much he is attracted to his wife is likely to invest his whole self in their relationship.

Earn some points: Share this iMOM article with your wife and discuss it: How to Keep a Marriage Alive in a Simple Step.

Sound off: What are some other stereotypes about husbands we can learn from?

Huddle up with your wife and ask, “What is one thing I do that drives you crazy?”