fun things to do with kids

5 Fun Things to Do with Kids

Fatherhood is hard and we can quickly get into a mode of just trying to survive our days. Sometimes we can even wander into daydreaming of the freedom we will have again when our kids are grown. If so, we miss the opportunities of today to train, lead, and particularly, have fun. Our kids are only young once so let’s take as much advantage to have fun with them and create moments to remember. 

I saw a video a couple of years ago about a dad who sent his son’s toy train into the stratosphere with a balloon, GPS tracker, and a camera. That’s a dad who is thinking of fun things out of the box. Don’t have a weather balloon handy like that dad? Don’t worry. Sometimes the most fun things can be simple. Here are 5 fun things to do with kids.

1. Organize a paper airplane competition.

Ask to borrow the church hall for a couple of hours, or work something out with the mall or another local business. Do some research together, build some prototypes, then organize a competition for distance, time in the air, novelty etc. Invite neighbors, school parent-kids combos, or just a few of Junior’s closest pals.

2. Restore an old piece of furniture and experience redemption.

Find a junky piece of old furniture. Then strip it, sand it down, rebuild it, and refinish the wood. Learn together as you go. Let your child take the lead on some elements. Then sit back together, pour a tall glass of lemonade, and admire your work.

3. Take a map, a GPS, and go on a lighthouse hunt!

Depending on where you live, this could be anything (waterfalls, quirky attractions, stadiums, you name it). Again, make sure your child takes some responsibility, and then take off for a long day of togetherness and adventure. Include photographs of you and your child with each triumphant discovery. Geocaching is also a great way to spend time together.

4. Stargazing.

Get some sleeping bags, binoculars, and snacks; then go stargazing in the backyard, on a beach, or empty field. Learn about the heavens, share some stories about the constellations, and dream big dreams together.

5. American Ninja Warrior

Set up an obstacle course in the backyard. It can be as elaborate or simple as you want. Your kids will have a blast conquering the course and it will give you a opportunity to cheer them on. Here is an example of an elaborate course (again, it doesn’t nearly need to be this technical).

Need another idea? Use these 300 riddles to exercise your kids’ brains for fun.

Sound off: What are some fun things you’ve done with your kids? 

Huddle up with your kids and tell them, “One of the coolest things I ever did with my father growing up was… I say that because…”