social distancing

5 Ways to Make the Most of Social Distancing

I’m grateful. Not that businesses are shutting down, causing financial hardship and definitely not because people are sick, worried, and gravely at risk. All of that has caused me the same heartache and concern that I’m sure you have experienced. The reason I’m grateful is that times like these make you evaluate what is truly important in life. So many of us complain constantly about our busyness and overbooked schedules. The virus has forced us to stop, stay home, and spend time with our families. It’s a blessing. What are you going to do with this time? How are you going to lead your family?

When our children are adults, what will they remember about this time? Will they remember how worried their parents were? Will they remember us glued to our TV’s and phones? Or is it possible they will not remember the coronavirus at all? It’s possible that our kids simply will recall the amazing memories they made with you because you were forced to stay home. Some may even look back on this time as the greatest of their childhood, but that is up to us. I’m grateful for this time of social distancing. It is a focused time with my family and I intend to make the most of it in the following 5 ways.

1. Playing Together

Earlier this week, we sent out a list of great ways to spend time indoors. This list from iMOM has great ideas, too. It really doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you are playing with your kids. Have a game night or a video game tournament. Get in sleeping bags and slide down the stairs (carefully). Play laser tag in the dark. If you don’t have laser tag sets, they are reasonably priced at Target and Walmart. You can get them while picking up toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Can you get some for me while you’re there?

2. Creating Together

LEGO Masters is a great show my family watches. It inspired my kids to create a LEGO masterpiece together. Be creative as a family. Build something with LEGOs (if you need ideas, watch the show). Get a large roll of paper or tape a bunch of sheets of paper together and draw a huge picture. Look up new recipes and make them as a family. Maybe even have each person choose a different dish to make and have everyone vote on a favorite.

3. Learning Together

Just because the kids are out of school doesn’t mean learning should stop. Read to them. Teach them how to fix items around the house or the car. Look up videos on how to play an instrument like the guitar or piano. You also can do some homeschooling. Check out Classroom Magazines.

4. Exercising Together

Since you can’t get to the gym, exercise as a family. Take a bike ride. Go for a walk, hike, or run. If you have a basketball hoop, play knockout. Depending on your health, try a challenging workout video and see how well you do as a family. Before you start, be sure to stretch. Remember, you’re older than you look.

5. Discussing Together

Finally, there is a lot going on that our kids don’t understand. This is an opportunity to give some perspective about what is happening. When discussing this with my kids they shared how worried they were about their grandparents, many of whom are at risk and lonely at home. Take the opportunity to have your kids facetime call their grandparents to connect and discuss it. If you have elementary and middle school-age kids, explain everything in concrete terms. Give them some simple facts and reassurance. Spend time praying together. If you have teenagers, ask them questions about how they feel and what their concerns are. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect.

Sound off: How do you plan on spending this time?

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “How would you like to spend our time at home as a family?”