be a warrior

Are You a Worrier or Warrior?

What keeps you up at night? What problems consume your thoughts, causing you to assume something bad is going to happen? Would you rather be a worrier or would you rather be a warrior when it comes to the troubles in your life? Worrying is a common struggle for all of us. There’s always something to worry about: kids, jobs, health, money, etc.

Parents worry if their kids will be okay at a friend’s house, at a park down the street, at a party, or out with friends. They worry about their kids making wise decisions when they’re with their friends. Husbands and wives worry about their spouse’s safety, their health, their job, and their faithfulness. But worry doesn’t have to consume you.  You can choose to fight back. Instead of being a worrier you can be a warrior. Here’s how:

A Worrier is passive, a Warrior is proactive.

For example, a worrier who is concerned about their child’s friends will fret, maybe complain, but just hope nothing bad happens. But a warrior gets to know their kids’ friends and their families, teaching their kids how to handle difficult or dangerous situations that might happen. The warrior also shows his kids how to stand strong for what is good and right.

A Worrier is paralyzed by fear. A Warrior admits fear but does what’s needed anyway.

For example, when a bully strikes family or friends, the worrier will avoid the bully in silence. But a warrior will overcome fear and do what’s needed: stand up to, speak out against, and report the bully.

A Worrier only finds peace when things go their way. A Warrior finds peace regardless.

When everything is going well on the job, at home, and in life, the worrier is at peace. But when the slightest thing goes wrong, the worrier is in complete turmoil. But a warrior finds comfort and peace even when major storms in life hit home because he knows God is in control of all things.

A Worrier becomes isolated and lonely. A Warrior seeks wise counsel and advice.

For example, a worrier consumed with financial concerns is likely to keep the problems quiet, assuming they should figure it out. But a proactive warrior confides in others they trust to get helpful advice and objective perspectives on how to handle their financial stress.

A Worrier obsesses with problems. A Warrior searches for solutions.

For example, a worrier concerned that their spouse may be dealing with an addiction might obsess on what the spouse is doing and be anxious about the spouse’s weaknesses and faults. A warrior looks for answers by getting help to address the problem.

A Worrier lacks trust. A Warrior trusts God in all things.

This is a tough one because we all worry sometimes. But worry is really not trusting in the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present God. A warrior trusts God—trusts that He is always with us, that He is always good, that He always loves us, and, that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

No one ever worried themselves out of worrying. Eventually, a worrier who is weary of the worry needs hope and help. So go to God, trusting Him for answers and peace. Be proactive in prayer. Ask God to help you to release your worries. Don’t just say you’ll pray about your worries…get on your knees somewhere and actually pray.

Sound off: What is the most challenging thing about being a warrior rather than a worrier? 

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What are some things that you worry about?”