One of the main reasons basic training was started was to have a group of dads all striving for the same thing—to be better dads. Doing it alone can be tough, but it is easier when you know someone else is taking the same journey with you to encourage you.
The same thing happens to our kids. They are energized and determined to press through challenges when encouraged…especially when it comes from you, Dad.
“Good job, Son” and “I’m proud of you, Sweetie” go a long way in boosting your kids’ confidence. Continue to encourage your kids regularly. Each day, find something good to say to your kids and say it. We want to inspire you to help your kids in this area!
This month, we are challenging you to pump ‘em up! If you find yourself running out of new ways to encourage and affirm your kids, use these 5 creative and fun ways to encourage your kids and Pump ‘Em Up.
1. For the child whose love language is physical touch.
Create an elaborate hand shake. Then, when your child needs some encouragement partake in your new secret handshake. I have one with my kids and they love it. It takes us about 15-20 seconds to complete it.
2. For the child whose love language is receiving gifts.
There is no better way to encourage this child than to take them to the store to buy the toy they’ve been wanting for some time, or anything new for that matter. Receiving a gift will go a long way with him.
3. For the child whose love language is quality time.
Whether he’s done something great or just needs a pick-me-up, set aside some time for just the two of you. He’ll be encouraged when you love him this way.
4. For the child whose love language is acts of service.
Maybe his room has gotten way out of control, or he is having a hard time with some schoolwork. Jump in and get hands on with your encouragement. Don’t do it for him, but help him with the task.
5. For the child whose love language is words of affirmation.
Shower him with “Good job,” “I’m proud of you,” and “You are the best!” The list is endless. Find as many ways as you can to verbalize encouraging words to him.
No matter what love language your child prefers, he can always use encouragement. Be consistent and do it as often as possible.
Huddle up with your kids tonight and ask: “What do I say that makes each of you feel good?”