Things are very different for kids today from how they were when I was growing up. We didn’t have the internet, smartphones, or cameras documenting everything we did. There were a number of challenging things when I was young that have gotten easier over the years. Technology has made it easier to communicate with friends, for example. But this new age brings a lot of challenges for kids, and as parents, we need to understand those challenges so we can guide them effectively.
Of all of the challenges our kids face, this is what I believe is the biggest one.
Interacting With Social Media
There’s a lot of good that comes from it. They can talk to people all around the world and enjoy entertainment. But kids today have to deal with a couple of downsides.
Filtering Out the Negative Aspects
Kids haven’t developed a filter. We have to be that for them. There are a number of dangers of social media, like comparison, inappropriate content, bullying. It can be hard to figure out how to allow your kids into the world of social media while also keeping them safe. It’s important to be vigilant. If your kids are on social media, you have to monitor what they’re seeing. Talk to them about what they see and how they feel about it.
Spending Too Much Time On It
This is a real struggle for my wife and me. We need to spend the right amount of time doing homework, doing chores, and being together as a family. Social media can take away from that and finding that balance is tough. It can be just as tough for adults to discipline themselves. Setting daily time limits can be helpful. Again, pay close attention and monitor the amount of time you and your kids are spending on social media.
Sound off: What do you think is the biggest challenge for kids today?
Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What do you think are some of the good things about social media? What do you think some of the bad things are?”