I was fortunate enough to grow up with a dad who encouraged us to broaden our horizons, to dream, and to try new things. As a young person, trying new things helped me grow. So I’ve tried doing the same thing with our kids. Some kids are really adventurous and will try anything—you may have to hold them back a little and warn them to be more careful.
However, many kids are afraid to step out of their comfort zones or to do something out of the ordinary. So they need some encouragement. Here are 3 things I say to my kids to encourage them to get out of their comfort zones and try new things.
1. “Try it!”
This may sound simple, but just saying these two words is all some kids need to hear to go for it. Don’t just say it—say it with enthusiasm. It will communicate to your kids that stepping out of the box and broadening your horizons is exciting.
2. “Don’t worry about failing.”
My dad used to tell me not to worry about failing. Failure can actually be a great teacher. Saying this to your kids will reduce their fear by taking some of the risk out of it. Sometimes the win is just attempting something new. The most successful people are the ones who aren’t afraid to step out where it’s uncomfortable.
3. “You’ll learn something.”
Whether you succeed or fail, you will always learn something by trying new things. Again, venturing out helped me grow a lot as a young person and has continued to do that as I’ve gotten older. New experiences have a way of challenging our perspectives and understandings of the world.
Sound off: How do you encourage your kids to try new things?
Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What new thing would you like to try this week?”