siblings fighting

How to Settle Fights Between Siblings

We have a lot of kids—11 altogether. And there are eight in the house right now. There are always territorial battles, arguments, fussing, and fighting. As parents, we have to navigate siblings fighting daily with fairness and wisdom. One of the most important things we do as parents is help our kids learn how to have good and healthy relationships. The first relationships they have are the ones with their siblings.

So here is what we do in our house when there are siblings fighting.

The Most Important Thing

We remind our kids that at the end of the day, they are still brother and sister. That is the most important thing for them to remember. We are a family that loves one another and treats each other with respect. However, we do have one trick we use when reminding them that we are a family doesn’t de-escalate the situation.

Our Secret Weapon

The way we settle siblings fighting is by telling them that if there is a problem, both of them are going to bed. That tends to stop the fighting immediately. It makes our kids work a little harder to get along and even sacrifice what they were ready to go to war over. Obviously, our kids don’t want to go to bed early. Your kids may be different. Find your secret weapon and use it.

Sound off: How do you deal with siblings fighting?  

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “Why do you think it’s important to love your family?”