change the world

How Would You Change the World?

We all have thought about how we would use a magic wand to change the world or even to change America. But you don’t need a magic wand to make a change. Here are two things I think we can do without one.


We need to focus on biblical truth. There’s a right and a wrong and we can’t have things our way all the time. I believe we need to rely on what God says is right and follow His lead. I think that’s lacking in our world today.


When we make everything about what’s best for me, we create a lot of tension.Second, we need to be compassionate. We often don’t have compassion for each other or try to see things through another person’s eyes. When we make everything about what’s best for me, we create a lot of tension.

If we all could get back to biblical truth and have compassion for our fellow man, I think we’d have a better world and a better country.

Sound off: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “If there was one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?”