making your spouse a priority

3 Reasons to Make Marriage Your Priority

“I vow to love, honor, and cherish … from this day forward …” I said these words at the altar on our wedding day. I genuinely vowed to take care of my wife, Kirsten. I wanted my marriage to show the world a picture of making your spouse a priority. But can I be honest? When I said those vows, I didn’t realize all the things that try to pull you away from marriage.

I was young and simply knew that if marriage wasn’t my priority, it wasn’t going to last. After almost two decades, I have a better picture of the sacrifice it takes to live out the vows I originally made. Here are 3 reasons to make marriage your priority.

1. Your wife needs it.

Your marriage should leave your wife feeling valued and cherished. She needs you to pursue her. Find ways to show her your marriage is a priority. In my life, this means drawing near to God during my daily quiet time. If I’m not spending time alone with God in reflection and reading and praying, I’m less likely to look for ways to encourage my wife. Make sure your wife always feels like you have her back. Don’t let anything come between you and your wife.

2. Your kids need it.

Your kids need to see you making your spouse a priority. They need to see what love, care, and sacrifice–in sickness and health—look like daily. This means you work to have your kids’ activities and schedules not come between you and your wife. Your kids need to see you on the same page with your wife in raising kids. We must look for ways to cut the excess time spent on things that aren’t as important. What do you need to cut back on from your own lives—meetings, work hours, or kids’ activities? Cut things to show your kids that marriage is your priority.

3. Other couples need it.

You may never know the struggles of people around you—people who’ll find hope when they see somebody else’s solid marriage. If you don’t model making marriage a priority, other people may never see an example of what it looks like. If you view your marriage as a priority, you’ll be that example. Couples need to see honest, caring marriages in their lives. Be the picture for others. You’re more likely to be that example if you’re making your spouse a priority.

Sound off: How do you make your marriage a priority? 

Huddle up with your wife and ask, “What’s one thing we can do right now to help make our marriage a priority?”