My Top 3 Experiences with My Kids

One of the most important gifts a father can give his children is time together creating memories. Having experiences together gives us a chance to bond. One of my favorite things about my childhood is all of the time my dad and I spent with one another. It was important for my development and sense of self. That is why I have to try to make sure my kids experience as much with me as possible. So I try to create times together they will remember forever.

Fortunately, I have had a lot of wonderful experiences with my children. It’s tough for me to remember all of them. I tend to think first about the most recent. So, if I had to pick my top 3 experiences I would have to narrow it down to these recent ones.

RV Trip Cross Country

A couple of years ago, we RVed across the country from Tampa, FL to Oregon. On the way, we stopped at the Grand Canyon. Taking our kids to see what God had created is probably number one.

Rio Olympics

This past summer I got to take my son Eric and daughter Jade to the Rio Olympics. We saw some fantastic sporting events, but we also saw another culture. We appreciated the time together and seeing some sites we probably will never see again. Seeing the joy on their faces while doing something I tend to take for granted was a thrill.

Inducted into the Hall of Fame

Having all of our kids there when I was inducted into the hall of fame this past summer was also special. I not only enjoyed sharing that moment with them, but I loved being able to talk about each of them and how much they had to do with my success. I love to talk about how special my kids and my wife are to me so to be able to do that on such a big stage was a wonderful experience.

What experiences are you planning with your kids?