What are you willing to do to become a better husband?
Reading is really important for you and your marriage. We recommend starting with a book that will help you become an even better husband. At All Pro Dad we read a lot because we want to provide you with well researched information on the family. We’ve created a list of books for marriage recommended by our staff.
Remember, school is never out for the Pro. Pick up a couple of these books and turn the page in your relationships.
1. “Wild at Heart” By John Eldredge
“I enjoyed how the book analyzed the longing of a man’s heart and compared that to what a woman’s heart desires. It was very enlightening!” – Jonathan Morgan
2. “This Momentary Marriage” by John Piper
“By far the best marriage book I’ve read. I am going through it with my wife and my biggest takeaway is really that marriage is all about God’s glory.” – Danny Rohdranz
3. “Date Your Wife” by Justin Buzzard
“The takeaway here is that you can’t stop dating your wife and that it’s still easy to date your wife. It also gives some great examples of dating your wife based on the different seasons of marriage.” – Danny Rohrdanz
4. “Love and Respect” By Emerson Eggerichs
“My wife and I went through it together. This book opened our eyes to the fundamental differences in how men and women are ’wired.’ It has allowed both of us to feel validated in our personal need for love or respect. It has also educated us on ways that we can treat each other to affirm the other’s need for love or respect and has helped us to identify ways that we have been unloving or disrespectful without ever realizing it.” – Andy Mayer
5. “5 Love Languages” By Gary Chapman
“My greatest takeaway from this book was that it opened up a whole new level of communication between my wife and me, where we could say something simple, yet convey something profound. We tend to be opposites in a lot of ways (our Love Languages included), and we found ourselves saying things like, “I’ll hold your hand if you say something nice to me” or “I have an idea for how we can spend quality time this weekend…” It has made it easier for us to recognize when the other is actively trying to speak our own Love Language.” – Andy Mayer
6. “Extreme Money Makeover” By Dave Ramsey
“The number one reason divorced couples cite for their marriage troubles is financial arguments. If couples can get on the same page and follow the Biblical solutions to handling money, you can eliminate a major stumbling block in relationships. We have read lots of books on marriage, but this one continues to be the most practical and has had the most consistent and far reaching impact on our marriage.” – George Woods
“Honey will you read this marriage book with me?