Sometimes the only time a father dances with his daughter is when he is giving her away at her wedding. This is a shame. I got off the phone with a gentleman last week who attended an All Pro Daddy/Daughter Dance and said it was the best night he and his daughter have ever had together. It really can be an unbelievable catalyst to bring fathers and their girls closer together. Here is a how-to guide to bring this event to your school/church:
1. Plan a date and time. Around Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity.
2. Secure a facility. Church gyms and school cafeterias work well.
3. Recruit moms! Let’s face it, females can put together events and handle details like we could only hope to. Get three moms to chair the event. Chairs should plan for: food, punch, m/c music, dance contests, door prizes, decorations, money collection and other ideas.
4. Advertise, advertise, advertise. Creating a flyer and sending home with the kids is of upmost importance. Put an e-mail address on it for folks to RSVP. Hang posters. Pump it up.
5. Get a good photographer/videographer for the event. You may also want to contact local media so they can cover the event.
6. Encourage fathers to buy their daughters flowers or a corsage.
7. Give fathers take-home materials on being a better dad.
Additional tips:
1. Keep the event two hours or under. Having it drag on is not a good idea.
2. If you are going to collect money or hand out raffle tickets, don’t have only one table. Lines can really back up.
3. Make sure to tell folks what the dress code is: casual, business attire etc.
4. Get the PTA involved.