childhood development

12 Questions Parents Should Ask Themselves Every Day

The Dawn Wall is three thousand vertical feet of smooth rock. One of the greatest rock climbers in the world, Tommy Caldwell set out to be the first to free climb it. For four years he labored, unsure if he would ever reach his goal. Jim Collins, author of Good To Great, asks him at one point why he was doing it. He said, “You’re the most accomplished free climber in the world and now all you are getting is failure.” Caldwell replied, “You don’t understand Jim. I’m not failing, I’m growing.”

One of the most important influences on child development is the parents. If we want to influence our children well we have to continue to evaluate ourselves in order that we grow. Sometimes it may look like failure to examine where we fall short, but really it is the process of improvement. In order to support childhood development, here are 12 questions parents should ask themselves every day. It may look like failure to examine where we fall short, but really it is the process of improvement.

1. How much time did I spend one-on-one with my child today?
2. Was I really engaged or distracted with calls, texts, and emails when I was with my child?
3. Did I hug my child and say “I love you”?
4. Did I compliment or criticize my child?
5. Was I calm and firm or mean and harsh when I disciplined my child?
6. Did I have a meal together with my child?
7. Did I help my child with their schoolwork?
8. Did I pray with and for my child?
9. Did I tuck my child into bed?
10. Did I read to my child?
11. Did I listen more or lecture more?
12. Did I monitor my child’s television and computer time?


Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What is one good habit you would like to do every single day?”