say thank you

Say Thank You to Your Kids

“Thank you.” Those two words are some of the most powerful words you can say to your kids. But my guess is we can all say them a little more. And I’m not talking about only when your kids do something you’ve asked them to do. I’m saying we should say thank you to our kids just for being who they are. I try to say it to my kids as much as possible, and when I do, the smile on their faces could light up a city block. When I say it to our 8-year-old, he seems to be part surprised, part flattered, but most of all, loved.

It’s important to let your kids know you are thankful for them and that you appreciate your family. My life wouldn’t be the same without my kids. They need to know that. Sometimes our reactions to the things our kids do, or even the sacrifices we make for them, can make it look like they are a distraction or a burden. But they aren’t, and we need to communicate that consistently by saying thank you. Here are 5 ways to say thank you to your kids just for being your kids.

1. Just say it.

As dads, it’s sometimes tough to find the right words. “Thank you” is the simplest way to say it and those two words are powerful.

2. Give a card or gift.

Some dads are better at putting words on paper, or even communicating with a gift. Do a random act of thanks by giving your kids a card or a gift that says you appreciate them.

3. Get physical.

My love language is physical touch, and one of our three kids shares the same love language. When I hug him, high five him, give him a fist bump, or do anything physical, he feels loved and appreciated. Try it with your kids.

4. Do something.

Sometimes saying thanks is helping them complete a task they are struggling with or even relieving them of the task. This small act can let your kids know you are thankful for them and their effort and that you want to show it by helping complete it.

5. Hang out with them.

Our daughter loves just to hangout with either one of us. Thanking her can be as simple as just spending some quality alone time, time when she gets our undivided attention.

No matter how you say thank you to your kids, just say it. Saying thank you can come in many different forms. It doesn’t matter how you say it—the important thing is that you do.

Sound off: How does it make your kids feel when you say thank you?

Huddle up with your kids and say, “One reason I am thankful for you is _____________________.”