kids therapy

5 Situations That Might Require Therapy for Your Child

I never would’ve expected that a child of mine would need kids’ therapy. Put aside the fact that I myself have had therapy; I just thought my children’s stable home life would protect them from those types of challenges. I had to think again. One of my children did need counseling, received it, and is living a better life for it.

It wasn’t an easy decision. We did everything we could at home before we reached out for help, but finally, we realized that for the good of our child, we needed outside input. When do kids need to see a therapist? There are 5 areas of struggle that might require counseling for your child.

1. Divorce

When a marriage breaks up, a child’s world does too.

When a marriage breaks up, a child’s world does too. Even if Mom and Dad do their best to make the change as easy as possible for their children, and even if the children say they’re fine, they might benefit from seeing a professional.

2. Mental Issues

A friend of mine’s daughter has severe social anxiety. It was so debilitating that at one point, she had no friends at school—for years. The situation was deteriorating, and the little girl was miserable. A wise counselor guided the child and her mother. She gave them the tools they could use to battle social anxiety. Mental issues like anxiety, depression, and phobias can be treated very successfully with counseling.

3. Learning Issues

Learning disabilities are best caught early. But even an attentive mom can miss them. If your child has learning disabilities, address the impact they are having on your child’s schoolwork, but also address the effect they might have on his sense of self.

4. Social Issues

When my son was in elementary school he had a friend who was so polite and fun—unless something made him angry—then he would lose control. If your child’s behavior is hindering his social development, get help. Social problems can include anger issues, lack of empathy, and the inability to read social cues.

5. Traumatic Issues

There are some issues that are so lifechanging that professional help is almost always in order. If your child falls victim to any kind of abuse—physical, emotional, or sexual—seek professional help. Bullying can also fall into the traumatic issues category. If your child is struggling with being bullied, address the problem with his school first, and then get him the professional help he needs.

To help talk about some of these topics, download the Q & U app and start asking questions.

Sound off: When else are children in need of kids therapy?

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “When you are having a hard time or feeling hurt, do you think that talking to someone helps?”