strong marriages

Strong Marriages Have Strong Foundations

Sometimes you see a couple, and you are amazed. You say to yourself, “that couple right there…they have something special!” You want to pick their brains and hear directly from them how they have such a strong marriage.

My wife and I had this opportunity when we interviewed Family First, All Pro Dad, and iMom’s very own Mark and Susan Merrill. We interviewed them for an episode of our 7 Rings of Marriage Web Show.

After a few minutes of chatting, we quickly found out that strong marriages have strong foundations. Below are 5 things Mark and Susan did to create such a strong foundation and strong marriage, as well as an exclusive sneak peak of their video interview only for All Pro Dad and iMom readers.

Develop a long-term friendship

Mark and Susan developed a friendship before marriage, even before dating. The friendship was cultivated alone and within groups of friends. This enabled them to grow deeper in love over time.

Embrace counseling

Knowing they had a lot to learn about marriage, they embraced counseling, primarily from a professional counselor. Also, in Mark’s case, the “counseling” of a good friend (you’ll have to watch the video to hear his wise counsel).

Don’t settle for less

Sometimes one person will settle for less than they should when considering marriage. Doing so can hurt both people and the marriage. Fortunately, Susan didn’t settle, even though it caused their relationship to end for a time.

Be intimate without sex

Mark and Susan were able to share things with each other that they didn’t share with other people. And it wasn’t sex, it was praying together. Praying before and after marriage is one of the cornerstones of their relationship.

Agree on this one thing

Those of us who are married know spouses don’t always agree on everything. But agreeing on this one thing is, as Mark said, “one of the most important things they had together.” The one thing was a God-centered friendship and relationship.

To watch and hear Mark and Susan in their own words, watch the sneak peak of their 7 Rings of Marriage interview below.

To watch the full video interview when it’s released this month click here for access.

Susan has some great quotes to help inspire your marriage as well!

Huddle up with your wife and say, “I want a strong marriage. What are some things we can do to make it happen?”