3 Ways to Have the Best 4th of July Ever

The fireworks, cook-outs, and pool parties plus the excitement of summer and American independence all in one day offers the perfect way to spend time with family and friends. You can feel the excitement in the air. That’s why we’re giving you three ideas for having the best 4th of July ever! Don’t forget to browse all of our Operation Summer lists and check out the 10 things you might not know about America’s Independence.

1. Host a party.

Take the bull by the horns on this one and set the stage for a great family gathering by making specific plans. Get together with another family or two and share the responsibility. Pool your resources for safe fireworks. Plan an exceptional cookout menu. Screen a favorite (family-friendly) patriotic movie. Maybe just a couple of families or why not four, eight, or even the whole neighborhood?

2. Share from your heart.

Take a cue from Thanksgiving and have everyone share something about freedom and liberty that they’re grateful for. Plan ahead so people will be ready. Set the tone with something special from your own experience. Later, collect the testimonies and pass them around.

3. Prompt a little research.

Have the kids research a few of the 1776 patriots and pass around index cards with “patriot facts” during dinner. Or tape fact cards on the bottom of dinner plates and then take turns sharing the stories.


Huddle up with your wife tonight and ask: “What can I do to help you prepare for our 4th of July plans?”