Your words can speak life or death to your wife and marriage. However, some of what you say verbally can be forgotten over time. But words you put on paper can last forever. When was the last time you wrote a love letter to your wife?
Recently, my wife and I attended a marriage conference. During the conference we were asked to write love letters to each other. But not just random “Roses are red, violets are blue” type stuff. We were provided a guide to help us put into perspective our marriage, each other, and God’s role in our marriage. The results we got from doing this were amazing! Every married couple should take the time to do it as well. Below is a guide to help you write a love letter to your wife.
1. Spend time alone in prayer.
Before you sit down to write, kneel down to pray. God created marriage and He should be included in all aspects. Thank God for your wife and give praise for her good attributes. Confess that you haven’t been the best husband you can. Admit any negative feelings or thoughts, and ask God to help you with them. Ask God to help you see her as the beautiful woman He created. Finally pray about your roles and ask for help in fulfilling them.
2. Write your thoughts in the form of a letter.
After praying, it is time to write. Write you thoughts in letter form. Think back to when you first met and what attracted you to her. Think of how you now complement each other. Think of the areas you have let her down and areas in which you need to improve. Think of your commitment in all these areas from this point forward and list some ways you will fulfill this commitment.
3. Share and discuss your love letter with her and pray with her.
Read your love letter to her. Discuss it, express the commitments you made during your prayer time, and pray together.
A Love Letter Example: Here is the love letter I wrote my wife to hopefully give you some ideas…
“I love you exactly as you are. God created you as my perfect match, and I am thankful to Him for that.”