Before my wife and I were married, when we were dating, I would spend all of my creative energy thinking of dates that would ‘wow’ her. Every detail was covered. She would smile, the date would be a success, and I would be so proud of myself. Over the years, as I’ve gotten to know her deeply, I thought back to the dates I planned. They were filled with things she hates to do. So I asked her why, if she hated what I had planned, did it seem like she had such a great time. Her answer, “I appreciated all of the planning you did. It made me feel cared for. That was more important than anything.”
When was the last time you planned a really great date for your wife? Give her a date that sweeps her off her feet. This checklist will make sure you have everything covered when planning a date with your wife.
1. Brainstorm.
Tune into her. Listen carefully to pick up clues of her latest interests and what type of date she needs. Every time you hear a clue write it down and you’ll have a running list of date ideas.
2. Ask her out.
Take initiative and ask her. Be creative. Perhaps leave her a note saying, “Would you go out with me on Friday? Yes, No, Maybe (Circle one and return to my night table)”.
3. Arrange childcare if needed.
Don’t leave this up to your wife. The day of the date, clean the house and have written instructions for the sitter. Do it all so she feels totally free of responsibility.
4. Plan, make reservations and confirm.
Check availability and make reservations in advance. Make sure what you plan to do will be available and confirm the day before.
5. Build it up.
Promote the date like a major event. Build anticipation so you both are excited.
6. Make sure everything looks good.
Detail the car. Get a haircut and wear your best outfit. Shower, shave, put on the cologne she loves.
7. Be early, but patient.
Even though you may be in the same house, be ready early. But be patient because you may be waiting on her. Don’t make her feel rushed or pressured to get out the door. Let her know she is worth waiting for.
Now, go enjoy your date!
Huddle up with your wife and ask, “What would the perfect date include?”