Fathers Abandoning Their Children


What’s the biggest problem we’re facing in America today? A lack of fatherhood and the role that dads are playing in the lives of their families all across the country. It is definitely prevalent in African American communities, but it’s all over.

To me, it starts with a lack of role modeling. So many guys my age grew up with a father figure in the home and we learned so much from our dads and at least learned how to pass that on. But many of the men a little bit younger than me didn’t grow up with their dads. They don’t know what it means to be that father in the home or how to pass that on to their kids.

So, we have a whole generation of young men who really haven’t seen it. They don’t understand how important their role is, or how much they mean to their kids. We have to get that back if our society is going to move forward. That is why I think it is very, very important for all of us to be mentors, not only to children but also to young men, to let them know how important that fatherhood role is.

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