Hope For The Future

The movie 90 Minutes In Heaven gives us something we all need, hope for what the future holds. I can remember ten years ago now when our son passed away and in a moment like that you think that this is devastating and something that you never recover from; Except for the fact that as Christians we do have hope for the future. This life isn’t everything. We have and can hold onto the promises of God that there is going to be a life for us that is going to be everlasting, beautiful, filled with joy, and devoid of pain. When I think about that future that’s what keeps me going. When I face the ups and downs in life, problems and troubles, and little setbacks I think about going forward to a place where I’m not going to have to worry about any of that. No matter what has happened to me on earth it’s going to be a time of great celebration and joy. It gives me hope and it’s what I think about when I think of heaven.
