How to Let Go and Let Our Children Grow


She was a miracle from the first time his bewildered eyes saw her and she was placed in his arms. Tears poured down his cheeks as he promised her he would always protect her from the world. Now she’s a girl quickly growing into a woman, and the pledge he made in that moment is as strong today in his heart as the day he made it. Fear grips his soul when he considers the things she’ll do in life and the places she’ll go. Did he teach her everything? Will she make the right decisions? Can he freeze time and just stay here with her?

The heartbreak of parenthood is that eventually the time comes when we must let our child go and place our faith and trust in them to do the right things. For some parents this might come easy, but for most, it’s a watershed moment. Everything changes, and our control that we held so tightly, must be released.

Micro-managing your young adult’s life is not going to benefit anyone. Here’s more on how to let go and let our children grow:

1. New Management Style.

Since they were born, we have (out of necessity) been micro-managing our children’s lives. It’s time to change management styles and allow them the room they need to mature. Begin the process of transferring decision making into your child’s hands.

2. Give More Responsibility.

One of life’s big lessons is that nothing comes free. There is always some form of price to pay for each action. This is a lesson that has to be learned by experience. Perhaps make your child responsible for the insurance and gas for the car they are driving.

3. Pray for Them and with Them.

Prayer is easily a parent’s greatest asset. Pray for them when alone, pray for them in small groups, and pray for them in church. Most importantly, pray together with them, coming from a place where both parent and child are God’s children. A child that will bend his knees alongside his dad is most likely going to hold himself accountable to those prayers.

Do you feel like I am too controlling? If so, how?