You are probably beginning the process of spring cleaning your home. As I think about the tasks of spring cleaning our house and specifically our garage, and the clutter, dirt, and grime that awaits me, I can’t help but think about my relationship with my wife.
There are some dirty issues in our relationship that could use a good cleaning in order for us to function in the best way possible, while remaining attracted to one another.
I’m sure you are in the same boat. What are the 5 areas that you need to clean up in your relationships? Below are 5 areas in your relationship to add to your spring cleaning checklist.
In your conversation.
Have you allowed non-loving words, or words that aren’t building up your spouse, into your relationship? Clean that up quickly. Make sure the words you speak to your spouse are in love and will build her up, not tear her down.
In your attitude.
After cleaning up your words, how about your attitude? Your attitude may not always be noticed by her, but it is noticed by you and will eventually come out in words or actions. Be patient, be kind, and be gentle even in challenging situations with your wife.
In your acts of service.
There are times when the way I serve my wife is like when we were dating. Then there are times when I’m nowhere close to that type of service. These are the times when you need to go back to the dating days. Put your love in the form of action, and serve your wives.
In your time together.
Kids, work, and everything else seem to compete with our quality time. It can be easy to allow your quality and alone time in your relationship to fall off the radar. Don’t let this happen; clean up your calendar and your schedule, making time for your relationship a priority.
In your intimacy.
Has your focus when it comes to intimacy been on you and your needs? Clean it up immediately! Focus on loving your wife and meeting her physical, emotional, and intellectual needs first. The rest will take care of itself.
How would a good spring cleaning impact your relationship?