control tower

Parenting in the Control Tower

All Pro Dad is a part of the organization Family First. Today, Family First President Mark Merrill shares how to effectively manage your kids.

I’m a former private pilot and have been in Tampa International Airport’s control tower with my son, Marky. It’s a busy place…no time for a nap. But a number of air traffic controllers have been caught sleeping on the job, according to recent news reports.

The job of an air traffic controller is to keep a watchful eye on takeoffs, landings, and to vector or direct the planes through often congested air space surrounding the airport. But in recent years, fatigue has become a major issue for the nation’s air traffic system and for your safety.

Parental fatigue has become a big issue too, and it’s affecting our kids’ physical and emotional safety. But we can’t fall asleep in the control tower of our children’s lives. Too much is at stake. During those years when our kids are at home, we must say, “No” to anything and everything we can that takes time away from our most important job. We may even need a few cups of coffee to ensure we’re wide awake in the tower.

Every time our children leave the house, we need to be alert and ready in the control tower. There are 4 things that you, as a parent, must control.

Continue Reading “Parenting in the Control Tower” over at Mark Merrill’s Blog…

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