Summer is over and Fall is here. Soon the holidays will be on us. Sometimes the holidays and winter season are viewed as a romantic season when you can you stay warm inside while it’s cold outside. But don’t forget about the Fall season. Show your wife you are creative, fun, and even romantic now. This season gives you some unique opportunities to create great memories with your wife. Here are 13 great fall date night ideas. One for every Friday this season!
1. A football game.
Take your wife to a football game without the kids. High school, college, or NFL. It doesn’t matter. But when you go, focus on her and creating conversation. She may not understand the game, or care too much about the results, but you can have fun people watching, drinking a warm drink, and chatting it up.
2. Pumpkin picking and carving.
This may be something you think of doing with the kids. Instead, just you and your wife go alone. Drive to the country or wherever a pumpkin patch is in your area. Get out, grab hands, walk, talk, and choose a pumpkin together.
3. Haunted house.
No explanation necessary. Be ready to be squeezed tight. Just don’t be the guy who plays the scary practical jokes. Be her protector and comforter, even though you know it isn’t real.
4. State Fair.
Another typical event to go to with your kids. Do that in the daytime and take your wife out in the evening. Walk hand in hand, talk, eat elephant ears, corn on the cob, a funnel cake, and enjoy the rides and each other.
5. Hayride.
Get some warm cider or hot chocolate and enjoy a nice scenic hayride. Remember to bring a blanket to sit on and cuddle.
6. Corn maze.
It seems all Fall activities involve being in the country or on a farm doesn’t it? You and your wife will enjoy the fresh air and great colors. A corn maze will bring out the competitive side in you as you are faced with the challenge of finding your way out.
7. Apple picking.
Find an apple orchard, take a tour, and pick some delicious apples. Afterwards, bring them home and make some type of apple desert, drink, or snack from your fresh picked apples.
8. Go hiking.
Get some hardcore exercise. Go to a state park and begin your journey. Bring a camera to take pictures of all you see.
9. Visit a local winery.
Many wineries will have tastings and tours. If wine is your thing, or your wife’s, then this is a must. Take the tour, taste some great wine, eat some appetizers or desserts, and make it a great date.
10. Shop at a flea market.
As vendors are trying to get rid of their stock before the season changes, you may be able to get some good deals. Grab some cool stuff, enjoy some time together, and save a dollar or two.
11. Rake leaves.
Yes, raking leaves together can be a date night. You just have to make it fun. Remember making leaf piles and jumping in them as kids? Do that with your wife. Let loose and have fun.
12. Have a bonfire.
The Fall is not complete without a bonfire. Join some friends for a fire in your back yard fire pit or theirs. If you don’t have one, you may be able to find one near a pumpkin patch or where hayrides are done.
13. Take a long drive in the country.
The colors of the leaves in Fall are amazing! Get in your car and just drive. Talk, enjoy what you see, and take as long as you can before coming back home to the kids.
Related Resource: 15 Great Fall Activities with Your Kids
Huddle up with your kids tonight and say: What do you think are some of your Mom’s favorite things to do?