5 Reasons You Should Believe in Yourself

Every Friday morning, it waited for me in my email inbox—the latest sales numbers. The company I worked for ranked all the financial advisors by sales and sent a weekly, color-coded list. Green was for the high performers, yellow was for the so-so advisors, and the red ones were the failures. Most weeks, I found my name in the red section. That email became a reflection of what I thought of myself. And it was a punch in the face. One of my managers spoke to me about my numbers and said, “The only difference between you and the successful advisors is their level of belief.” He meant they believed in themselves. Clearly, I didn’t.

While being a financial advisor wasn’t for me, he was right. Those three years, I walked around in fear, feeling like a fraud, like I didn’t belong. I didn’t see myself as someone worth believing in and I thought sooner or later, clients, colleagues, and bosses would all see it. Ever feel that way? Over the years, the way I think about myself has changed dramatically. Now, I believe wholeheartedly in myself and you should believe in yourself too. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. You are talented.

We all have abilities and you are no exception. There are things you’re able to do better than the average person. Unfortunately, our culture gives more accolades and places more monetary value on certain abilities, which can cause us to think we’re worthless. That’s a lie. What you bring to the table is important, has purpose, and is needed. So embrace your God-given abilities and hone them.

2. You are unique.

There may be people who are similar, but there is no one like you. No one else has your fingerprint or DNA. Jesus says in Matthew 10:30 that even your hairs are numbered. That may be easier for me to comprehend than for many of you, considering how little hair I have. The point is, you’re uniquely made. King David gives us a picture in Psalm 139 of how we were created. It says that God “knit” you together in your mother’s womb. God spent thought, time, and effort on you.

3. You are known.

My wife gave me a great compliment when we first started spending time together. She said, “Everything I know about you makes me want to know more. She was interested in me. The first couple verses of Psalm 139 say that God has taken a special interest in you. The one who created the earth and the universe thinks about you and knows you. He thinks you are worth his attention.

4. You are loved.

I used to think that when people got to know me, they wouldn’t like me. Maybe you feel that way. The reality is that not only does God know you, but he’s also your fan. 1 John 4:16 says that “we have come to know and to believe the love God has for us.” Do you know it? Do you believe it? Your identity and worth are this: You were made by the master creator of the universe and He loves you.

5. There are plans for you.

Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has plans for you, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” He has a purpose for you and desires good things for your life. That doesn’t mean life will be easy, but that even struggles will bring growth that will make life more full. Do you believe that? If not, how do you think it would change your life if you did?

Earn some points: Are you married? If so, share this iMOM article with your wife: 11 Lies Moms Believe.

Sound off: What are some other reasons to believe in yourself?

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “What are some reasons you should believe in yourself?”