How to Remember a Loved One Who Has Passed Away

The holidays are supposed to be happy. The Christmas season is supposed to bring joy. But sometimes the loss of a loved one can make it just the opposite. It can be the least happy time of year, and one void of joy.

What do you do? What can you do? One of the best things is have conversations which help bring about healing and the opportunity to be happy and have joy even while missing your loved one. Below are some things you can do to start this process.

1. Serve others who may be hurting.

One of the best ways to help yourself is by taking your eyes off your loss and focusing on someone else who needs help. Seeing how your service brings joy to them will bring joy to you and your family.

2. Be upfront about how you are feeling.

You may not want to be there. You may not feel like eating, laughing, or celebrating. You may just want to sleep. Don’t force yourself or anyone else to pretend like everything is okay. It is okay to not be okay.

3. Don’t try to hide your hurt; cry if needed.

Bottling the hurt inside will not help. Letting loose of some of your emotions can help. As men, we believe we are to lead in all the “tough” areas, but leading and showing our wife and kids that it’s okay to be vulnerable is important too.

4. Create new traditions.

The old traditions could bring back memories that trigger sad emotions. Discuss it and start new traditions.

5. Dedicate a gift or something to your loved one.

Make a donation to their favorite charity. Set up a memorial fund of some kind. This may help with closure and free you or your family to move forward while also honoring your loved one.

Related Resources:

  • 10 Bible Verses for Comfort When You’re Hurting
  • 10 Ways to Help Kids with the Loss of a Loved One