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Ep. 19 - What Are the 3 Lies Men Believe?

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This is the All Pro Dad Podcast, where in each episode, dads of all ages dive into just one question. Today, we ask, “What are 3 lies men believe?”

“If stung by a jellyfish, you can neutralize the pain by urinating on it.” Not true. “Humans lose most of their body heat through their heads.” Not true. There are plenty of lies men believe. Which ones plague us as dads? Ted Lowe, BJ Foster, Jason Hood, and Buck Buchanan tell the truth about how often we fall captive to lies.

You are well-made, no matter what people say. You are loved unconditionally by God, who created you. These truths can become clouded by the lies of the world. So often, men get lost in lies in an attempt to succeed, conquer, and impress others. The three biggest lies men believe are:

  1. 1. I am what I do.

    This can be a trap for dedicated dads. Your worth does not come from your work. What you do to support your family is important, but guard yourself against an unhealthy obsession with productivity. Work demands will take over your life if you let them. Your kids will notice where you spend most of your time. Commit to being present and engaged in your child’s life.
  2. 2. I am what people say about me.

    Some days, you’ll get praised. Other days, you’ll be ridiculed. Neither the highs nor lows should exclusively shape your view of yourself as a dad. The true measure of a father’s success lies in the quality of his parent-child relationship. Properly weigh outside influences while prioritizing your child’s perspective. Are they happy and secure? Do they feel loved and supported? Honest feedback and genuine affection from a child are far more valuable than criticisms or compliments from external sources.
  3. 3. I am what I have.

    Singer Matthew West once wrote in one of his more popular songs, “Bigger houses still get divided.” It’s a great message. Don’t prioritize material possessions over meaningful connections. Driving a fancy car or buying a bigger house do not equate to being a good father. The most valuable things you can offer your children are your time, love, and attention. Focus on creating shared experiences and fostering meaningful connections.

Today’s Pro Move: Ask yourself, what am I tying my identity to, and is it solid?

Other Resources

3 Lies Men Believe

5 Lies Men Believe About Their Wives

4 Lies Men Believe About Being Successful

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